News & Updates
Help CMC raise $31,415.93 during the Pi-Tau campaign! Your support provides math "a-ha!" moments for children and inspires them to discover the beauty of mathematics.
Join us and donate today!
Are you smarter than a 4th grader?
Join us for our first-ever event aimed at showing adults what it's like to be a student at CMC. Do you have what it takes to solve tricky math puzzles and win at our unusual games? Come find out - Tuesday, February 18th, 5:30-7 pm, at Cafe Zing. RSVP strongly encouraged. Prizes for winning teams!
Apply to our Spring & Summer Programs!
Spots are filling up fast! Apply to our Spring Classes by March 1st for a $25 discount.
Looking for our online classes using Beast Academy and/or Art of Problem Solving?
Check out CMC Preparatory Math!